Our Service
Q. How do I make a booking or get a free estimate?
A: You can free call on 1800039669 or make a local call on 0754085337 alternatively you can send us an email by going to the Contact Us page.
Q. How much will it cost?
A: The cost to clean your carpets, rugs, and upholstery is based on several factors, including the size of the carpeted rooms, the layout, the carpet condition, your preferences and specific needs. Once we know which, we can give you a free quote over the phone or via email.
Q. How can I pay you?
A: We accept cash payment only, and a receipt will be provided on the day.
Q. Do you guarantee you service?
A: Yes, as cheap as we are we do offer a money back guarantee for all our individual services. So you can be confident when exiting a rental property that if your real-estate property manager isn’t satisfied with our services we will do our best to rectify anything that isn’t of perminant damage.
Q. What type of carpet cleaning methods do you use?
A: We specialise in steam cleaning.
Q. What is steam cleaning ?
A: Steam cleaning is the common word for what is actually high pressure water extraction. This is a method where extremely hot water is pressure sprayed at the carpet fibres and instantly vacuumed of by a very powerful pump. Ideally this extracts the chemicals applied and releases the softened contaminants from the carpet fibres.
The Cleaning Process
Q. Is there anything I should do to prepare for your arrival?
A: Please pre-vacuum all carpeted areas thoroughly. Please ensure the carpeted areas are clutter free. We can help move all small sized furniture and put it back in place after the clean. We can’t lift/carry/move heavy items or furniture. If possible we do ask that you remove all breakables such as lamps, and photos etc.
Q. How long will my carpets take to dry?
A: Drying time depends on some variables such as the thickness of carpet pile and fibres (natural or synthetic), weather conditions and air circulation – factors such as humidity and ventilation play a large part in drying time. If possible, it’s best to leave the windows open and/or fans on medium for airflow. Generally, drying time takes aproximately 6 hours.
Q. What if I have allergies?
A: The sprays we use are all to Australian standards, they are concidered safe for children, pets and people who have allergies. If you know someone at the property is comonly alergic to specific ingredients in detergents, please notify our staff and we can provide you with a MSDS sheet.
Q. how soon can the Carpets be walked on?
A: It is recommended that you should stay off them till dry, but as long as your feet and shoes are clean it won’t make them dirty so it should be fine.