Our Family


We wanted to let you see that we are a real local Sunshine Coast family business.


Little Axel (8 months), myself (410 months) and sister Sage (23 months)jayne-gerald

My Lady Jayne has two full time jobs, one as a mum to our beautiful children and the other as receptionist to our clients.

Jayne and kids

Jayne Sage and Axel

If no one is answering the phone its either the weekend or Axel is on the job

Axel would like to think that he is handling the business, but his usually the one that stopping the phone calls.


The last photo of Aaron before we gave the logo a face lift

7 yeas ago I started ‘Aarons Dirt cheap Carpet Cleaning’. Passionate and driven to deliver a great service at affordable price. We have constantly upgraded equipment, name, van and brand to make ourselves the ultimate low cost high quality service we are today. (photo taken 2 1/2 years ago)

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Our new look

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We are the COST EFFECTIVE approach to Carpet Cleaning and Pest Control from the Sunshine Coast.
Only using the latest in Top Quality Products & Equipment for Carpet Cleaning & Pest Control.
We provide a Great Easy Service at Low price..... Guaranteed!
Servicing the Sunshine Coast to North Lakes & Caboolture Shire surrounds in Queensland.
Price focused on Rental Properties and Home Owners, we also service commercial pubs, clubs and schools.
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